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德國瑞能生物共振研究公司 Rayonex Biomedical 的行政總裁海密斯教授 (Prof. Dietmar Heimes) 將將於三月下旬訪港,在三月二十五日晚舉行演講討論會,介紹利用生物共振的方法檢測身體、環境和食物,從整體角度去改善健康,減低壓力,找出病痛根源。瑞能公司 Rayonex 是歐洲生物共振的權威研發公司,有超過三十年經驗。海密斯教授將與隨行的 Dr Winfried Simon 及對動植物治療有獨特研究的 Ms Gudrun Bunkenburg 分享經驗,提供意見。演講後將有 Rayoscan 心電圖生物共振測試示範以及問答時間,歡迎參加交流。演講與問答將以英文進行,同時有中文翻譯。

How can bioresonance influence our health? How does the Mini-Rayonex give us more energy? What is electromagnetic pollution?

You are cordially invited to a lecture by Prof. Dietmar Heimes, the CEO of Rayonex Biomedical GmbH, who will be visiting Hong Kong in late March. The lecture will be held on the evening of March 25, during which Prof. Heimes will discuss Rayonex's cause-oriented approach to health, and the use of bioresonance for testing of our energy status, our environment and our food. This holistic approach can reduce stress, identify root causes of disease and improve our overall well-being in a gentle, non-invasive way. Rayonex is Europe's leading research institute into bioresonance a ccording to Paul Schmidt, with over 30 years experience. Prof. Heimes, who is travelling with Dr. Winfried Simon and Ms Gudrun Bunkenburg who also specialises in animals and plants, will share their extensive experience and answer questions. Following the lecture there will be a demonstration of Rayoscan using standard medical ECG method for testing of the impact of frequencies on the body's regulatory mechanisms. The lecture and Q & A will be conducted in English with Chinese translation available.


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