- 提升免疫力,加強造血功能
- 改善消化,包括減低便秘或肚瀉症狀
- 幫助清菌排寄生蟲
- 紓緩皮膚病
- 幫助預防動物容易感染或發炎狀況
- 為腎病或其他長期病患寵物增加胃口,補氣延壽
- 紓緩關節痛,提升行動能力
- 提供手術後護理加速康復
- 為內臟保健,加強肝、腎、肺、膀胱、皮膚功能
- 家訪檢查 - $2,000。離島及偏遠地區附加費另議。如檢查超過一隻寵物額外費用另議。服務包括食糧或補充品的適合性測試。寵物將接受40分鐘的PS10治療以提升能量改善症狀。
- 毛髮體液檢查 - 由客戶提供寵物的體液或毛髮等供治療師測試並作出建議 - $800 一次。
租用PS10 - 租用月費 $4,980 連兩張綠卡;按金 $15,000。可於三個月內「租變買」,已支付租金(零件除外)將全數退還。傳達布匹費用視乎新舊和大小。
購買PS10 - 最適宜寵物用的PS10 Basic 售價 $56,000(包括一張綠卡)。
查詢及預約電話: 26903128 / 92215033 或 WhatsApp: 54631592 / 92215033
電郵: info@WeHerbHK.com

Bioresonance for Pets
Non-invasive therapy from Germany for boosting energy and reducing symptoms
No interference with medication
Suitable for cats, dogs, horses, rabbits and hamsters
While Western medicine may be vital for treating acute conditions, it is less effective for alleviating chronic illnesses or problems that come with ageing. For owners, there is the added challenge of giving oral medication to pets, a process that can cause great stress.
Harmonisations with Rayonex bioresonance devices are ideal for health maintenance and disease prevention for your pets. They can:
- Boost energy and immunity and strengthen blood formation
- Improve digestive conditions such as constipation or diarrhoea
- Reduce harm caused by pathogens
- Help prevent causes for infection and inflammation
- Increase appetite in pets with kidney or chronic illnesses
- Relieve joint pain and enhance mobility
- Speed up recovery after operation
- Maintain healthy vital organs and cell health
Our Bioresonance Services for Pets:
- Home Visit - $2,000. Extra charge for outlying islands and remote areas, and for more than 1 pet. Therapist will check pet’s health and energy status and create a set of programs for a 40-minute harmonisation using a PS10 bioresonance device. A food/supplement test can be conducted if desired.
- Fur/saliva Test - $800. Owner will provide an amount of pet’s fur/saliva. Therapist will check pet’s health and energy status and make recommendations.
PS10 Rental - Monthly rental $4,980 with 2 Green cards; Deposit $15,000. Rent-to-Buy within 3 months with return of all paid rent (except for rental of accessories). Prices for fabric detectors depend on size, type and condition.
Purchase of PS10 - PS10 Basic at $56,000 (includes 1 Green card) with pet module installed.
Bioresonance therapy uses resonating frequencies to promote normal functioning of the body’s regulatory mechanisms. Without energy blockages and interference from pathogens, a balanced and healthy state can be maintained. Pet Bioresonance is effective for energy restoration, pain reduction, appetite stimulation, and alleviating many other physical or psychological conditions. It works well with other remedies such as Western and Chinese medicine, acupuncture and animal communication.
Easy to use:
Connect fabric detector to PS10 and position the pet where it is in contact with the fabric detector. Switch on PS10, insert Green Card and start harmonising.
For inquiries and reservation: 26903128 / 92215033 or WhatsApp: 54631592 / 92215033
Email: info@WeHerbHK.com