誠意邀請顧客、嚴浩讀者及布緯食療支援小組於三月十二日星期六下午 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm,參加在食療主義佐敦店舉行的試食分享會,到時會介紹猴年特選美食,示範布緯食療的美味做法,並會有十款最受歡迎產品作即日特價優惠(只限當天一天),包括全球首次獨家推出的高頻電磁波防護尺、新款的迷你We能量、食療主義椰子油、秘魯特濃6:1馬卡粉與玉桂粉組合、嚴浩古方心路通與山茱萸汁,以及夏威夷果仁油和香脆小食,猴子包包能量棒等,屆時亦會有抽獎活動,歡迎大家齊來歡聚!
- 時間:三月十二日星期六下午 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- 地址:佐敦德成街4-16號地下6號店地鐵佐敦站D或E出口。
WeHealth Food Tasting and New Product promotion:
- Time: 12 March 2016, Saturday 5-6 pm
- Address: Shop 6, 4-16 Tak Shing Street, Jordan MTR D or E exit.
Worldwide exclusive launch of Rayonex HF-Rayex and Car-Rayex - antismog devices for protection against high frequency electromagnetic radiation! Special one-day discount for 10 most popular products including:
- New-look Rayonex Minis and Elos
- Peruvian 6:1 super-strong Maca Powder together with organic Cinnamon Powder (for synergistic effect)
- WeHealth Organic Coconut Oil
- Yim Ho Ayurvedic Circulation Formula and Cornelia Cherry Juice
- Australian Macadamia Oil (good for cooking)
- Baobab Raw Energy Bar (favourite food of monkeys and elephants in Africa)
Welcome to our demonstration of the making of delicious cups of Budwig Diet and good luck on our Lucky Draw!
Rayonex HF高頻電磁波防護尺