TISSO 奧米加脂肪酸全面補充 Pro Omega Complete (180 capsules)
TISSO 奧米加脂肪全面補充有連同抗氧化物質的獨特組合,確保身體吸收所需奧米加三、六和九脂肪酸,保護細胞增加帶氧量,並令皮膚細滑減低乾燥。
德國TISSO公司以科研見稱,特別注重以天然食材提供足夠養份濡養細胞,促進正常新陳代謝幫助抗衰老。所採⽤物料經嚴格挑選,全天然不含任何化學添加,並驗證不含重金屬殺蟲劑和輻射成份,製作過程先進操控嚴謹,確保產品能釋出最⼤養份⽽又能被身體充份吸收。配⽅由Dr Heinrich Kremer MD 及其科研團隊研發,由TISSO創辦⼈Albert Hesse 監管製定。
Omega-3 fatty acids are a special sub-group within the group of unsaturated fatty acids. They are essential fatty acids which means they are vital for the body and cannot be produced by the body itself.
The composition of the ingredients is such that it serves to supply the body with sufficient unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9) and with natural substances containing phospholipids. This is ensured through the high-quality animal and plant-based oils including krill oil and linseed oil.
The composition of Pro Omega Complete is further enhanced by the addition of 600 international units of vitamin D3 (natural vitamin D3 derived from wool fat) as well as L-carnitine, taurine and allicin derived from garlic.
Glazing agent: soft gelatine; krill oil (19.89%); lecithin from rapeseed (11.05%); taurine (11.05%); garlic powder (8.84%); red palm oil (unrefined) (5.52%); linseed oil (4.42%); coconut oil (unrefined) (2.21%); argan oil (unrefined) (1.66%); l-acetyl carnitine; L-carnitine tartrate; vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), colouring: iron oxide
Recommended dosage:
Take 2 capsules 3 times per day with sufficient liquid. Best taken half an hour before a meal with about 200 ml of still water.
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