布緯奧米加三油 Cellgold (女士) Dr Budwig Omega 3 Cellgold Women (250ml)
布緯奧米加三油 Cellgold (女士) 由布緯博士研發,提供最適量又有效的奧米加三護理。此產品從原產地德國全程冷藏空運抵港,有品質保證。
Cellgold (女士) 由五種有機植物油冷榨製成,以亞麻籽油為主,包括有機月見草油及有機沙棘油,組合天然,充滿協同效應,有淡淡水果香味,並富含維他命E,有助防止油吸入身體後氧化,保護細胞健康。
成份:有機亞麻籽油 (76%)、有機月見草油、有機摩洛哥堅果油、有機杏仁油、有機沙棘油 (2%)。
每一湯匙 (10克) 提供4.7毫克維他命E及4.4克ALA。
未開封也需要保持冷藏。開封後建議每天食用一至二湯匙 (每湯匙15ml)。
Dr Budwig Omega 3 Cellgold (Women) provides optimal omega-3 primary care. With evening primrose and sea buckthorn oil, containing large amounts of protected gamma-linolenic and stearidonic fatty acids, Cellgold (Women) promotes beauty from within. Made with 5 kinds of cold-pressed organic vegetable oils, Cellgold is a fruity-flavoured oil that keeps blood vessels and cells healthy. The plant oils have a synergistic effect and are rich in Vitamin E, offering cell protection against oxidative stress.
Organic Flaxseed oil (76%), organic evening primrose oil, organic argon oil, organic almond oil, organic sea buckthorn oil (2%).
Please keep refrigerated even before opening. Suggested intake: 1-2 tablespoons daily (15ml per tablespoon)
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