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粉紅湖鹽烤特級澳洲堅果 Brookfarm Pink Lake Salt Roasted Macadamia Nuts (100g)

  • 7600

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這些美味可口的特級澳洲堅果是用最天然、可持續的方法種植於澳洲Byron Bay的Brookfarm,收成後用來自澳洲維多利亞州的粉紅湖鹽與澳洲堅果油輕輕烤過,再以真空包裝保持新鮮。
Brookfarm 是家庭式得獎農場,除了以天然環保方法種植了四千棵澳洲堅果樹外,並在周圍三十頃農地上種滿了亞熱帶灌木與雨林植物如尤加利樹等,確保農場動植物生態環境健康,農作物茂盛營養豐富。

Macadamia Nut 原產澳洲,是名乎其實的「澳洲堅果」,但流傳到夏威夷後獲得積極推廣出口全球,使很多人都稱它為夏威夷果仁,也說明它的美味與可貴營養價值。澳洲堅果富天然油份,含豐富奧米加9和7脂肪酸、維他命B1、鎂、錳、植物固醇和抗氧化物質,有助穩定血脂保護心血管。

成分:全粒澳洲堅果、粉紅湖鹽 (1%)、澳洲堅果油


These delicious premium quality macadamia nuts are sustainably grown in the award-winning family-run Brookfarm on Byron Bay.  They are oven roasted with macadamia oil and sustainably harvested salt from Australia's beautiful pink lake in Victoria.  The salt lake is fed by natural inland salt aquifers and each Australian summer it dries out to reveal a vast bed of pink salt.  After roasting the macadamias are vacuum sealed for freshness.  Brookfarm has over 4,000 macadamia trees as well as eucalyptus trees in a 30-acre sub-tropical rainforest teeming with wildlife.  Home to native insects, bees, owls, koala, turtles, water dragons, snakes and birds, the forest eco-system provides a natural balance for sustainable farming.  

Macadamia trees are native to Australia.  Their nuts and nut oil are rich in Omega 9 and 7 fatty acids, Vitamin B1, magnesium, manganese, phytosterols and antioxidants and are known to help stabilise cholesterols and triglycerides.  

Ingredients: Whole macadamia nuts, pink lake salt (1%), macadamia oil

Made in Australia

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