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Wakame 乾海帶 All Natural Wakame Dried Seaweed (50g)

Wakame 乾海帶 All Natural Wakame Dried Seaweed (50g)

  • 4000

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Wakame 是海帶的一個品種,浸水後回復軟身,味道清淡,富含礦物質尤其是碘、錳、銅、鉀、鐵、鋅、磷,是礦物質含量最集中的天然食物,亦含維他命C、B2、A、B6、B3、B1,維他命C可幫助鐵質的吸收,碘質的天然補充或對甲狀腺功能低下的情況有幫助。

成份:Wakame 乾海帶 (Undaria Pinnatifada)



Mitoku Wakame has a mild flavour and soft texture and is one of the most popular sea vegetables.  

Ingredient: Wakame dried seaweed (Undaria Pinnatifada)

Made in Japan by Mitoku Co Ltd

Use suggestions: Soak in tepid water for 10 minutes.  Drain and trim hard central spine if necessary.  Coarsely chop into smaller pieces and boil for 1-2 minutes.  It is delicious in soups and salads.  For soups, best to add Wakame at the end to retain its delicate flavour and appearance.  For salads, combine wakeme with sliced cucumbers and add favourite dressing.  



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