蜂膠負離子擴散塔 Propolis Wood Diffuser with Ionizer
蜂膠有美譽為“天然抗生素”。蜂膠擴散器系列是意大利 Luigi Fabretto 家族發明的獨特產品,是全球唯一讓蜂膠揮發性份子從空氣中滲入呼吸系統的產品。有實驗證明在意大利一課室裏,連續使用擴散器三天後,空氣裏驗出的含菌量減低了超過71%。另一實驗顯示在一月至三月間,用了擴散器在睡房的學童比其他學童的的缺席率低近四成。
The propolis diffusers are an ingenious Italian design and fit well in an elegant setting such as offices, waiting rooms, shops and public spaces. They effectively diffuse the volatile fraction of propolis.
They take the very best organic Italian propolis and slowly release its components gradually and consistently into an area around 2-3 metres radius from the diffuser throughout the capsule duration. With 24-hour continuous use, the capsule can last 122 hours.
The diffusers warm up the propolis contained in the capsules, initially reaching wax fraction fusion and, subsequently, regulating the temperature in order to free the volatile fraction. The alternation between these two temperatures allows the release of all volatile substances within the propolis.
The ionizer model draws out the beneficial disinfectant and sanitizing properties of propolis. Through ionization, propolis particles entering the air are subject to a negative electrical charge which in turn attracts positively charged volatile airborne particles, such as bacteria, mould spores, viruses and fungi, which are subsequently treated with the antiseptic and antibiotic properties of propolis. These unwanted micro-organisms are consequently inhibited and cannot develop further. Negatively charged propolis molecules can also attract other airborne particles such as smoke and dust which, when trapped, fall to the ground. In this way, biological and chemical pollutants and toxic agents are removed from the air. Our respiratory system can therefore fully benefit from the purer air produced by the properties of propolis.
(BIOLOGI ITALIANI). The first study, carried out by the ASL 5 Collegno, confirmed that, using the PROPOLAIR propolis diffusers in a classroom for three consecutive days, has resulted in a dramatic reduction of airborne microbes up to 71.8%. An environmental sanitation completely natural!
The second scientific study was carried out by the Association House Nursery Kindergartens (MI). Throughout the period in which they used the PROPOLAIR diffusers, the number of children’s absences due to illness significantly decreased and there were no manifestations of allergy or intolerance to propolis. In addition, during the following year, there was a higher attendance of up to 62.1% in February.
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