西西里特級初榨橄欖油 Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Sicily (1L)
橄欖油是地中海健康飲食的關鍵食糧,除了有抗炎、降膽固醇功效外,比其他食油有更濃厚芳香的味道,可替代牛油沾麵包或涼拌食物。此特選西西里橄欖油有適當的脂肪酸組合 - 79%單元不飽和脂肪、15%飽和脂肪,以及低至5.5%的多元不飽和脂肪 - 可用以中高溫輕炒煮食 。(請注意不是所有橄欖油都適合加熱煮食,一定要適當的脂肪酸組合,即大量的單元不飽和脂肪但最少量的多元不飽和脂肪。)
This premium extra virgin olive oil was harvested and mechanically pressed in Sicily, the southern region of Italy with strong sunshine and ideal geographical conditions for olives. It is an exclusive product of exceptional quality - produced for local consumption rather than marketed as a commercial product, and that is why it is without any brand name. Specially canned and shipped for WeHealth, it is to be enjoyed as a tasty dressing oil as a healthy cooking oil with anti-inflammatory properties and cholesterol-lowering benefits. The specially chosen stainless steel can is the best medium of storage as it protects the oil from photo-oxidation. The fatty acid composition of this olive oil - with 79% monounsaturated fats, 15% saturated fats and only 5.5% polyunsaturated fats - makes it suitable for light cooking with medium to high heat befitting a healthy Mediterranean diet. (Please note that not all olive oils have the appropriate fatty acid composition for cooking.)
Ingredients: 100% extra virgin olive oil made from mechanical pressing
Made in Italy
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