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無麥麩意式杏仁脆餅乾 Orgran Amaretti Biscotti (150g)

無麥麩意式杏仁脆餅乾 Orgran Amaretti Biscotti (150g)

  • 3100

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意式脆餅乾 biscotti 一般是用來配咖啡的甜食,亦可當開心小食,不含麥麩、牛奶製品或酵母,有杏仁椰子香味。

成份:粟米澱粉、蔗糖、棕櫚油、椰子乾、米粉、糙米糖漿、黃色青豆粉、天然杏仁香味 0.5%。乳化劑:植物造單甘脂、鹽。發酵劑:碳酸氫鈉。


Maize Starch, Raw Sugar, Palm Vegetable Oil, Coconut Desiccated (Sulphur Dioxide), Rice Flour, Brown Rice Syrup, Yellow Pea Flour, Natural Amaretto Flavour (0.5%), Emulsifier: Vegetable derived Monoglycerides, Salt, Raising Agent: Sodium Bicarbonate

Made in Australia

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