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「秘魯收成」生機特濃6:1瑪卡粉 Peruvian Harvest Raw Gelatinized 6:1 Maca Powder (250g)

「秘魯收成」生機特濃6:1瑪卡粉 Peruvian Harvest Raw Gelatinized 6:1 Maca Powder (250g)

  • 31500

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Peruvian Harvest 是高端優質品牌,珍貴的瑪卡是秘魯安地斯山民族國寶,本產品採用認證有機原生瑪卡根製成 , 達八成是含營養價值最高的黑色瑪卡根,另15%紫色,5%黃色,用獨特低溫工序作生機凝膠化,去除澱粉令蛋白質、脂肪酸和纖維營養含量更凝聚,濃度是 6:1 比一般市面上產品強效三倍,所需食用份量亦可相對減少,入口即知味道濃郁香甜與別不同,而且容易消化吸收,效果特別顯著,可消除疲勞和緊張,並幫助穩定血糖和膽固醇,保護細胞和心血管健康。

成份:有機原生瑪卡根磨成粉 (80%黑色、15%紫色、5%黃色)。不含麩質、奶類製品、防腐添加劑,不經基因改造。


建議食用方法:可以原本食用的1/2 或1/3份量,或由半茶匙開始,隨意加水拌勻飲用,亦可混入咖啡、朱古力及果仁飲料,加入蔬果蛋白粉打成的smoothie、或布緯食療的鮮芝士與冷榨亞麻籽油組合,或燕麥小米粥等穀物早餐;製作甜品麵包或烘焙食物時可隨意加入馬卡粉增加營養和美味。若能與優質玉桂粉或原生可可粉同時食用會有更大協同效應。瑪卡粉不含咖啡因沒有刺激性,早晚都可以食用。

營養資料:瑪卡有被譽為秘魯人參,和印度人參一樣屬「適應原」(adaptogen) ,特性是並不針對個別器官而整體性地增強身體應付壓力、創傷、焦慮和疲勞的能力,有持久的扶正作用,對所有身體機能都有活化平衡的效益。

瑪卡富含鈣、磷、鎂、鉀、鋅、錳和鐡質;維他命B1、B2、C、B3;纖維素和木酚素;轉化為奧米加三脂肪酸的亞麻酸和含奧米加九的亞油酸;並提升體內抗氧化物質如谷胱甘太和抗氧化酵素SOD (肝蛋白)的正常活動。瑪卡的含鈣量比相等份量的牛奶更高。
Peruvian Harvest is a premium brand in Peru and maca root has supplied valuable nutrition to the Andean mountain communities.  This product is made from organic maca roots harvested at 14,000 ft altitude with 80% from the most nutrition-rich black roots.  Its remarkable 6:1 concentration, produced by a  unique raw gelatinsation process which removes starches to concentrate the flavour and nutrition, ensures greater absorption and effect, which can be three times that of other maca products on the market.  It has a distinguishing strong flavour, almost like a peanut butter taste, is easy to digest and absorb, can boost energy, calm nerves, stabilise blood sugar and cholesterol, and protect heart and blood vessel health.
Ingredients: Organic Maca Root (80% black, 15% purple, 5% yellow).  Contains no gluten or dairy ingredients, certified organic and not genetically modified.
Origin: Andean Peru
Use suggestions: Due to its concentrated flavour, can use 1/2 or 1/3 of what you are used to taking, or start with half a teaspoon and increase gradually.  Can mix with water and stir to drink, or mix in coffee, hot chocolate or nut milks, or in vegetable/fruit smoothies with protein powder; or add to the fresh cheese and flaxseed oil combination of Budwig Diet, or to oatmeal, millet porridge and other cereals, or use in the making of desserts, bread and all baked products.  Best taken together with premium cinnamon powder or cocoa powder for synergistic effects.  Maca powder does not contain any caffeine and can be taken day or night. 
Nutrition pointers:  Some have called maca root the "Peruvian ginseng".  Like ginseng and ashwaghanda, it is an "adaptogen" that, instead of targeting any particular organ, it provides energy and beneficial effects to the whole system, helping the body to fight or adapt to stresses, anxieties and fatigue.  It has sustained balancing effects that help the body heal. 
Maca root is rich is calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese and iron; Vitamins B1, B2, C, B3; insoluble fibres and lignin; and linolenic acid and oleic acids. Its calcium amount is higher than in a comparable quantity of milk.  And it is found to boost glutathione effect and activity of the crucial enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in blood and liver.