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電磁波屏蔽網-不鏽鋼絲網 (每米) HEG03 Stainless Steel Netting for Shielding High Frequency EMF Fields

電磁波屏蔽網-不鏽鋼絲網 (每米) HEG03 Stainless Steel Netting for Shielding High Frequency EMF Fields

  • 36000

No Discount Code will need to be entered at Checkout as all online prices are already net of discount. Thank you!

HEG03不鏽鋼絲網(寬度 1.5米 / Roll Width 1.3m)


屏蔽效能:在 1GHz 的高頻電磁場中能屏蔽55分貝。適宜用作窗網或貼上牆壁或天花,屏蔽戶外的來自手機發射器的高頻電磁場,亦可屏蔽樓上或樓下的Wifi路由器所產生的高頻電磁場。



網物料:18/10 鉻鎳鋼                            

HEG03 Stainless Steel Netting (roll width 1.5m) 

This fabric has a list price of $360 per metre and can be purchased by quantities of one metre each.  Please enter quantity of metres required (less than one metre is invalid) and enter discount code at Checkout to enjoy 10% discount.  Please see below information for your reference.  For assistance please visit our stores in Jordan or Central or inquire by phone or email.   

EMF (electromagnetic) Shielding: 55 dB attenuation at 1 GHz.  Suitable for use as window screen, or glued onto walls or floors to shield outdoor high frequency EMF fields coming from mobile phone towers, or from Wifi routers upstairs or downstairs.   

Features: Colour is silver.  Transparent.  Corrosion resistant to water and weak acids but not sea water. Fire proof.  Good ventilation (54% void space).  

Application: Use as window screen, adhere directly onto walls, ceilings or floors, or use as an intermediate layer in walls, ceilings and floors.  Can be glued, plastered, bolted or stapled.  Indoor and outdoor use.

Netting material: 18/10 chromium-nickel steel.