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杏仁燕麥糊細杯裝 Rude Health Almond Butter Porridge with Sea Salt (50g)

  • 2200

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英國Rude Health杏仁燕麥糊不含麩質、牛奶或大豆成份,採用新鮮杏仁磨細及切塊混入優質燕麥製成,充滿杏仁香味。
成份:燕麥糊、細磨烤杏仁 (22%)、烤杏仁塊 (17%)、椰花糖、糖、海鹽 (0.5%)。
Ingredients: Porridge oats, finely ground roasted almonds (22%), roasted almond pieces (17%), coconut blossoms, sugar, sea salt (0.5%).
Cooking instructions: Using the porridge guide printed on the packaging, pour boiling water to the desired level.  Stir well.  Leave for 1-2 minutes. Enjoy.