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特級冷榨澳洲堅果油 Ultra Premium Cold-Pressed Macadamia Oil (500ml)

  • 12800

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特級冷榨澳洲堅果油採用最上乘澳洲原產 macadamia nuts 冷榨過濾製成,含80%單元不飽和脂肪和17%飽和脂肪,其穩定油脂組合確保中高溫煮食不易氧化,冒煙點高達攝氏212度,品質卓越香味濃厚,玻璃瓶包裝亦更能保鮮。

Macadamia Nut 原產澳洲,是名乎其實的「澳洲堅果」,但流傳到夏威夷後獲得積極推廣出口全球,使很多人都稱它為夏威夷果仁,也說明它的美味與可貴營養價值。澳洲堅果富天然油份,含豐富奧米加9和7脂肪酸、維他命B1、鎂、錳、植物固醇和抗氧化物質,有助穩定血脂保護心血管。

特級冷榨澳洲堅果油種植及收成於澳洲製造商自家的位於 Byron Bay 的金德利農場(Jindili Farm),收成後去除綠色的外殼 (留原地作肥料),將帶棕色殼的堅果放入筒倉去濕至只剩3%濕度,再去除棕色殼,不加任何化學物冷榨成油,並以攝氏5度低溫將油的天然蠟質過濾,然後在原廠新鮮入瓶。每一批出品都會抽樣送實驗室進行細菌及化學檢測,有品質保證。

此特級(ultra-premium) 油選用金德利農場最上乘的堅果,製成後只灌入特定58號的油桶,所以牌子外號 Drum 58,以別於其他級數的堅果油。



Ultra Premium Cold-Pressed Macadamia Oil uses the most premium macadamia nuts harvested in the manufacturer's own Jindili Farm in Byron Bay, Australia.   With 80% monounsaturated fats and 17% saturated fats, this delicious oil has a fatty acid profile that is very stable and will not easily oxidize under conditions of light and heat.  Its smoke point of 212 degrees Celsius makes it an excellent choice of cooking with medium to high heat.  Its bottle also helps the keep the oil fresh.  Macadamia nuts and oil are rich in Omega 9 and 7 fatty acids, Vitamin B1, magnesium, manganese, phytosterols and antioxidants and are known to help stabilise cholesterols and triglycerides.  

This first-press ultra premium oil is made after harvesting the nuts at the optimal point of the season, removing the outer green husks (they are left on the ground as fertilisers), dehumidifying in silos until only 3% moisture is left, removing the brown shell, cold-pressing without the use of any chemical solvents, and filtering at 5% Celsius to remove any wax inherent in the nut.  The oil is then bottled at the manufacturer's own facility to ensure freshness.  Samples are taken from every batch for microbial and chemical testing to ensure the highest quality.  

Only the highest quality macadamia nuts are used for making this oil, all of which is poured in to Drum 58 for distinction.  And this is why the brand is also known as Drum 58 Ultra Premium Selection.

Suitable for use as dressing in salads, cold dishes or adding to soups, and also for medium to high heat cooking.  However cooking temperature should not exceed smoke point of 212 degrees Celsius.
Made in Australia