一日維他命補充劑 Rayovita (31 packs)
Rayovita 是德國 Rayonex 公司研發的營養補充品,每日一包沖水飲用提供一日所需的基本維他命、微量元素和抗氧化物質,提升免疫功能,幫助排毒排酸,主要成份包括:
純植物食用纖維製成的 Inulin 益生元幫助飼養從而增加腸道內益菌;
The essential trace elements and vitamins in Rayovita maintain important functions of the metabolism. They boost defence and detoxifying mechanisms and play an important role in neutralising and excreting acids. Rayovita is composed of pure vegetable dietary fibres (pre-biotics), which boost the growth of the bacteria in Rayoflora, and antioxidants to trap aggressive oxygen particles.
Ingredients: Inulin, magnesium citrate, vitamin C (acerola), dextrose, vitamin E, ferrous fumarates, zinc gluconate, niacin, chromic chloride, sodium selenate, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, manganese (II) sulphate, vitamin B6, grape seed powder, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, folic acid, biotin, sodium molybdate
62 g (31 sachets à 2 g)
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