有機原生瑪卡粉 Nature's Finest Organic Raw Maca Powder (100g)
營養參考資料:瑪卡有被譽為秘魯人參,和印度人參一樣屬「適應原」(adaptogen) ,特性是並不針對個別器官而整體性地增強身體應付壓力、創傷、焦慮和疲勞的能力,有持久的扶正作用,對所有身體機能都有活化平衡的效益。
瑪卡富含鈣、磷、鎂、鉀、鋅、錳和鐡質;維他命B1、B2、C、B3;纖維素和木酚素;轉化為奧米加三脂肪酸的亞麻酸和含奧米加九的亞油酸;並提升體內抗氧化物質如谷胱甘太和抗氧化酵素SOD (肝蛋白)的正常活動。瑪卡的含鈣量比相等份量的牛奶更高。
Maca is a precious superfood grown in the Peruvian Andean mountains. Maca powder is made from grinding maca roots. It has a distinguishing strong flavour, almost like a peanut butter taste, is easy to digest and absorb, can boost energy, calm nerves, stabilise blood sugar and cholesterol, and protect heart and blood vessel health.
Ingredients: Organic Maca Powder
Origin: Peru
Use suggestions: 1-1.5 teaspoon a day (3-5g). Can mix with water and stir to drink, or mix in coffee, hot chocolate, nut milks, smoothies, or add to the fresh cheese and flaxseed oil combination of Budwig Diet, or to oatmeal, millet porridge and other cereals, or use in the making of desserts, bread and all baked products. Best taken together with cinnamon powder or cocoa powder for synergistic effects. Maca powder does not contain any caffeine and can be taken day or night.
Nutrition pointers: Some have called maca root the "Peruvian ginseng". Like ginseng and ashwaghanda, it is an "adaptogen" that, instead of targeting any particular organ, it provides energy and beneficial effects to the whole system, helping the body to fight or adapt to stresses, anxieties and fatigue.
Maca root is rich is calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese and iron; Vitamins B1, B2, C, B3; insoluble fibres and lignin; and linolenic acid and oleic acids. Its calcium amount is higher than in a comparable quantity of milk. And it is found to boost glutathione effect and also activity of the crucial enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in blood and liver.
Maca root is rich is calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese and iron; Vitamins B1, B2, C, B3; insoluble fibres and lignin; and linolenic acid and oleic acids. Its calcium amount is higher than in a comparable quantity of milk. And it is found to boost glutathione effect and also activity of the crucial enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in blood and liver.
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