改良柑橘果膠 Vital Nutrients Modified Citrus Pectin MCP (360g)
果膠是植物膠質,是水溶性纖維,不會被身體消化或吸收,但改良柑橘果膠是有成分可以被吸收的,有助軟化大便,而且能幫助排清腸道內毒素,促進排毒功能,令皮膚細滑健康。亦適宜關注膽固醇問題、關注控制血糖人士食用。Pectasol® 專利註冊的改良柑橘果膠品質功效優勝,確保產品的份子結構有助優化各種細胞功能,提升免疫力。
成分:每一滿茶匙 (5克) 含有:碳水化合物4克、食用纖維3克、鈉180毫克、鉀420毫克、 Pectasol® 改良柑橘果膠 (萃取自橙、西柚、檸檬) 5克。其他成分:沒有。
建議用法:每日3次,每次一茶匙 (5克),空肚服用最佳,可混入水、果汁或其他飲品一併服用。
Pectin is a soluble polysaccharide fibre found in the cell walls of fruits and plants. It is not digestible in its natural form. However, Modified Citrus Pectin, derived from the pith of citrus fruit peels, contains properties that can be digested. It can help soften stool, inducing better elimination and detox. The binding and elimination of toxins from our intestines can lead to improved skin health. The supplement is also suitable for those with concerns for cholesterol and blood sugar issues. Pectasol® MCP uses a unique modification process to ensure an optimal molecular structure for promoting cell health and boosting the immune system.
Per Serving of 1 rounded teaspoon (5g) contains: Total Carbohydrates 4g, Dietary Fibre 3g, Sodium 180mg, Potassium 420mg, Pectasol® Modified Citrus Pectin (extracted from oranges, grapefruits, and lemons) 5g. Other Ingredients: None
Made in USA
Recommended dosage: 1 teaspoon (5g), 3 times daily, preferably on an empty stomach in water, juice or other beverages.
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