布緯能量籽 (玉桂雲呢拿) Omega 3 Energiemix (Cinnamon-Vanilla) (350g)
布緯能量籽按布緯博士的獨特食譜與方法製成, 材料全部有機並經嚴格挑選,主要成份為壓碎的棕色及金黃色亞麻籽, 所含奧米加三油份是植物之冠。布緯能量籽-玉桂雲呢拿風味有富含維他命 E 的葵花籽、六種水果茸和原始塊根 tiger nuts,營養與纎維都極豐富,配以玉桂和珍貴雲呢拿,味道更芳香獨特。最宜混入亞麻籽油鮮芝士的布緯食療,增加美味和口感。 此配方的亞麻籽碎粒被濃縮蘋果汁包裹著防止氧化並更容易消化。
成份全部有機:壓碎黃金亞麻籽 (26.5%)、壓碎棕色亞麻籽 (26.5%)、葵花籽 (9.4%)、橙粒 (7.5%)、菠蘿粒 (7.5%)、蘋果茸 (4%)、杏茸 (4%)、塊根 tiger nuts 粉末 (4%)、濃縮蘋果汁 (3.5%)、梨茸 (3.5%)、棗粒 (3.5%)、玉桂 (0.05%)、Bourbon 雲呢拿粉末 (0.01%)。
Omega 3 Energiemix was a recipe from Dr Johanna Budwig, the founder of the Budwig Diet. It is produced using only the highest quality all-organic ingredients according to the formula and production technique specified by Dr Budwig. It is a fibre-rich combination of crushed organic golden and brown flaxseeds. Their omega-3 fatty acids are protected from oxidation by the application of apple juice concentrate. Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E and lecithin, and fruit flakes add texture and aromatic flavours. The Cinnamon-Vanilla mix contains nutritional and naturally sweet tiger nuts (a tuber rather than a nut, so not a known allergen), making the product totally gluten-free. It is ideal for adding to Dr. Budwig's healthy quark-and-linseed cream, more commonly known outside Germany as fresh cheese/cottage cheese with flaxseed oil.
Ingredients: Crushed organic golden linseeds (26.5%), crushed organic brown linseeds (26.5%), organic sunflower seeds (9.4%), organic orange granules (7.5%), organic pineapple granules (7.5%), organic apple flakes (4%), organic apricot flakes (4%), organic ground tiger nuts (4%), organic apple juice concentrate (3.5%), organic pear flakes (3.5%), organic date granules (3.5%), cinnamon (0.05%), organic ground Bourbon vanilla (0.01%).
Free of gluten, dairy and soy. Does not contain artificial colouring, preservative or any other additive.
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