TISSO 纖體益生元纖維粉 Pro PraBioma (300g)
TISSO 纖體益生元纖維粉配方含有四種專利級植物葡萄糖纖維,100%水溶性不為身體酵素所消化,亦不會在小腸被吸收為糖分營養,只能作為大腸內益菌的「益生元」食糧,幫助益菌繁殖壯大,從而提升腸道健康,增強消化、排便與新陳代謝。百分百水溶性,無味,不會起膠變得濃稠,最適合容易脹風、消化不良,或致力纖體、改善皮膚質素人士。
益生元 (prebiotics) 是天然食物中不易消化的多糖成分,只要能抵達大腸便可被益菌 (probiotics) 作為食糧。我們「補好菌」之餘如果能夠補足「好菌的食物 - 益生元」,一定事半功倍!
TISSO 纖體益生元纖維粉配方除水溶性纖維外還含有礦物質鈣和鋅,鈣助長消化酵素運作,促進身體正常代謝營養;鋅促進免疫系統正常運作,並增強碳水化合物及脂肪酸的代謝。
成份:部份水解瓜爾膠 (Sunfiber®)、洋槐纖維 (Fibregum™Bio L)、耐糊精 (Nutriose®)、α-gluco低聚糖 (BioEcolians®)、鈣、鋅
用法:每日一次,每次將兩滿匙纖維粉(內附5g茶羹)加入200-250mg清水、蔬果汁或茶拌勻飲用。開始服用時可以由每次半匙粉開始,逐漸增加至每次兩滿匙粉 (譬如每隔兩天增加半匙)。
德國TISSO公司以科研見稱,特別注重以天然食材提供足夠養份濡養細胞,促進正常新陳代謝幫助抗衰老。所採⽤物料經嚴格挑選,全天然不含任何化學添加,並驗證不含重金屬殺蟲劑和輻射成份,製作過程先進操控嚴謹,確保產品能釋出最⼤養份⽽又能被身體充份吸收。配⽅由Dr Heinrich Kremer MD 及其科研團隊研發,由TISSO創辦⼈Albert Hesse 監管製定。
Suitable for soothing digestive or bloating issues as well as body slimming through improved elimination and metabolism. Pro Prabioma's unique quartet of soluble fibres include the new ingredient α-gluco-oligosaccharides (BioEcolians®) extracted enzymatically from the natural sugars sucrose and maltose. What makes it unique is the α-1.2 glycosidicbond in its glucose chain. This cannot be dissolved by human digestive enzymes, but can only be utilized by probiotic bacteria in the large intestines. Studies have shown that more than 80% of the ingested BioEcolians® ingredient reaches the large intestines and and is used by probiotic bacteria for the fermentation of short-chained fatty acids.
The other 3 water-soluble fibres include:
Partially hydrolysed guar gum, which comes from the seeds of the Asian guar bean and is pH-stable, heat-resistant non-gelling;
Acacia fibre extracted from dried and purified latex from the Arabian Acacia trees, providing complex, multi-bonded polysaccharides; and
A resistant dextrin (RS4) with its resistant starch made up of glucose molecules that cannot be metabolised by human digestive enzymes.
Apart from water soluble fibres, Pro Präbioma also delivers calcium for improving digestion and zinc for boosting the immune system.
Ingredients: Partially hydrolysed guar gum (Sunfiber®); Acacia fibre (Fibregum™ Bio L); Resistant dextrin (Nutriose®); α-gluco-oligosaccharides (BioEcolians®); Calcium; Zinc.
Recommended dosage:
Take once a day. Stir 2 heaped spoonfuls of powder (5g measuring spoon enclosed) into at least 200 ml of still water, juice or tea. The intake can occur gradually, eg starting with 1/2 teaspoon per day, increasing by 1/2 teaspoon every two days until 2 heaped spoonfuls are reached.
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