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Healthy Beetroot Soup

薑、蒜、洋蔥 (切碎後一湯匙份量)、紅菜頭3-4小隻、中型紅蘿蔔兩條、中型薯仔半隻、海鹽、即磨黑胡椒、澳洲堅果油


  • 將薑與蒜頭切細
  • 將薑與蒜頭放入小型攪拌機
  • 陸續加加少量澳洲堅果油一同攪拌成醬
  • 製成後用密封盒盛載放入雪櫃裏備用


  • 洗淨並隨意切細 3-4個小紅菜頭、半隻中型薯仔、半個小洋蔥 、兩條中型紅蘿蔔
  • 放兩湯匙澳洲堅果油下湯鍋裏
  • 加洋蔥以中火炒至金黃色
  • 加半茶匙已準備好的「生薑蒜蓉醬」再炒
  • 先後加入紅蘿蔔、紅菜頭、薯仔用中火繼續炒數分鐘
  • 加海鹽和即磨黑胡椒調味
  • 加 500-600ml 熱水,用慢火關蓋煮一小時。
  • 煮好後用攪拌機或手持電動攪拌棒將湯料打溶
  • 用美麗的湯碗盛載,濃湯色香味美。


Ginger, garlic, onion, 3-4small beetroots, 2 medium carrots, half a medium potato, sea salt, fresh ground black pepper, Macadamia oil

A: Prepare a "Ginger Garlic Paste"

  • Chop ginger and garlic into small pieces
  • Pour them into a small blender and blend, adding a little Macadamia oil
  • After blending, put the paste in a covered container and store in fridge for later use

B: Prepare beetroot soup

  • Wash and cut small 3-4 beetroots, half a medium-sized potato, half an onion, and 2 medium carrots
  • Add 2 tablespoons Macadamia oil into a saucepan
  • Add onions and fry with medium heat until golden
  • Add half teaspoon "Ginger Garlic Paste" and fry some more
  • Add carrots, beetroots and potatoes and continue frying with medium heat for several minutes
  • Season with sea salt and fresh ground black pepper
  • Add 500-600ml hot water, cover and simmer for 1 hour
  • Blend in food processor or with a hand-held electric blender until smooth
  • Serve in suitable soup bowls and enjoy the aroma, beauty and deliciousness of the smooth hearty soup

Beetroot soup benefits:
Beetroot is one of the richest vegetable source of energy.  It invigorates blood circulation and is known to have lowering effect on blood pressure.  It is also anti-inflammatory and has with the body's natural detoxification.  It is best consumed together with carrots, which are rich in beta carotene which converts into Vitamin A in the body.  Carrots are good for our liver and eyes.  Potatoes are high in potassium and easy to digest.  All three vegetables are high in fibre and rich in minerals and vitamins.  Together they make a delicious and beautiful soup.


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