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Yim Ho Recipe of Multigrain Rice with Beans, Seeds and Nuts




  • 將1杯雜糧用清水浸泡一夜;
  • 次日,將浸泡的水倒掉,再用清水將雜糧沖洗一兩次;
  • 將沖洗後的雜糧倒入電飯煲中;
  • 加水至一杯水的水位線,如果喜歡較濕潤的口感,可以增加水的份量;
  • 如果電飯煲有煮糙米飯的功能,請用煮糙米飯的模式,如果沒有,直接用煮飯的模式即可;
  • 電飯煲模式完成後,烹飪完成;
  • 食用時可以加入2茶匙冷壓椰子油,或按自己喜歡的風味調味。


This recipe using unrefined grains, legumes, whole seeds and nuts is rich in nutrients and proteins, with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants remaining intact in the ingredients. Soaking beforehand is required to ensure best absorption of the nutrients.

Freely select whole grains, beans, seeds and nuts of your choice, such as red beans, black beans, chickpeas or garbanzo beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, fresh or rhizome yams, barley, mainz, red rice, brown rice, black glutinous rice. The ingredients should be mixed together in a container for easy use when needed.

Method for 1-2 servings:

  • Soak 1 cup whole grain mixture overnight;
  • The next morning, discard the soaking liquid and use fresh water to rinse the mixture once or twice;
  • Pour the rinsed mixture into a rice cooker;
  • Add water to the line that shows 1 cup, or a little more if a softer texture is preferred;
  • Can use the Brown Rice mode if it is available. If not, can just use the general rice-cooking mode of the rice cooker;
  • When the cooking is done, the rice is ready to serve;
  • Can add 2 teaspoons cold-pressed coconut oil to the rice or season with your choice of flavours.

This recipe is strengthening for the spleen, pancreas and stomach and is best served as breakfast or lunch.


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