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食療主義誠意邀請閣下參加海密斯教授與醫學顧問Mrs Gudrun Bunkenburg 關於生物共振的講座會。海密斯先生是德國Rayonex生物醫學公司的總裁,今年三月來港舉行的演講問答會很得到顧客與讀者的支持,但由於名額有限,沒能照顧到所有有興趣的朋友,希望閣下今次儘早報名參加分享。


  • 日期:二零一五年十一月二日星期一
  • 時間:6:30pm - 8:00pm
  • 地點:金鐘海富中心第一座十八樓1804室 A6號房 Admiralty Conference Centre ACC(地鐵金鐘站A出口)
演講會內容會包括電磁波和地理環境對身體的影響以及舒緩辦法的示範,並探討生物共振療法對不同症狀的調理作用。演講將會有中文翻譯。 如有意參加請電郵 info@WeHerbHK.com 從速報名索取確認號碼,由於座位有限只能先報先得。非常感謝。



Lecture on Bioresonance by Prof. Dietmar Heimes on 2 Nov 2015

You are cordially invited to attend a lecture on bioresonance by Prof. Dietmar Heimes and Mrs Gudrun Bunkenburg. Mr Heimes is the CEO of Germany's Rayonex Biomedical GmbH. He last visited Hong Kong in March 2015 and his lecture was very well received. Due to limited number of seats available, please make your reservation as soon as possible.

  • Date: Monday, 2 November 2015
  • Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
  • Place: Admiralty Convention Centre (ACC), Room 6A of Unit 1804, 18/F, Tower I, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong. (Admiralty MTR station Exit A)

Mr Heimes will discuss Rayonex's cause-oriented approach to health, how to test for the burdens caused by our environment and e-smog pollution, and show remedies for alleviating the burdens. He will also discuss the use of bioresonance for various health conditions. The lecture will be conducted in English with Chinese translation available. To make a reservation, please kindly email info@WeHerbHK.com with your name and contact number or email, and you will be given a confirmation number for attendance. Thank you.


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